What is Spinal Flow?

Spinal Flow is a unique technique that focuses on the 7 Gateways of the Spine and 33 access points to locate and release nervous system blockages caused by stress. These blockages can lead to pain and illnesses. This holistic technique provides a comprehensive way to find and address these obstacles.

Blockages in the energy flow of the spine disrupt communication between our brain, central nervous, and peripheral nervous systems – affecting our entire body. Disruption in this flow can result in pain, symptoms, diseases, emotional distress, and a sense of disconnection. Recognizing pain as a warning signal, the Spinal Flow Technique empowers individuals to take proactive steps before pain escalates into severe health issues.

How Can Spinal Flow Help?

  • Release Spinal blockages caused by emotion, chemical, physical, and electromagnetic stress.
  • Reduce or eliminate pain from old or new injuries.
  • Improve the health of your spine and nervous system.
  • Improve physical health including digestion and elimination.
  • Feel like yourself again…or feel your true self for the very first time.
  • Reduce anxiety, calm your nervous system, and improve emotional wellness.
  • Connect to your body, mind, and soul. Feel deep inner peace and confidence.
  • Release emotional trauma and stress…without reliving those past experiences.

Everyone can receive some benefits from Spinal flow – the young, the old.

While one session can bring about change – having multiple sessions helps your body deal with deeper stress that’s hidden beneath the surface.

Every person will have different needs because every person is different! Some people have immediate results, but others find that their recovery takes time. Someone with long-standing acute issues may tend to heal more slowly and require more frequent sessions initially. As clients start to experience change and healing, the frequency of sessions reduces. Most sessions last from 20-30 minutes each unless you have a private session scheduled. We have clients who see us weekly, every other week, monthly, at six weeks, or whenever they feel their body needs a Spinal Flow session.

During your initial visit, your practitioner will consult with you on your primary treatment goal and give you options to book future Spinal Flow sessions. Spinal Flow is so safe and gentle, you can book multiple sessions in a week or even one day. Frequency depends on the severity of your condition. Once spinal health in restored, many clients enjoy regular spinal flow wellness care or maintenance which can help keep minor issues from becoming more serious.

You can quickly and easily schedule Spinal Flow Session(s) from the “Schedule ” menu. 

-Once on the Scheduling window – select “Service” from the drop down menu, then select technician from drop down menu, then select date and times available – then press “Next”

-Select date and time for your session from available dates and times shown.

-Enter name, phone number, and email address. Read Terms and Conditions and check box to proceed with scheduling session. Press “Next”

-Review the summary of the type of session, date, and time – if ok, click on “Proceed to Checkout”

-Enter info and payment information and then click on “Place Order”. You will receive an order confirmation via email. We will send you a reminder for your appointment the day before.

Initial Session with Assessment and Private Sessions are $80.

Group Sessions are $50 per person.

Absolutely! You can purchase a single, few, or several different sessions in one purchase. These can be for different days or even multiples per day. Our out of town clients sometimes book a few sessions to have them done in a single day, usually with a break in between sessions.

Spinal Flow sessions are performed fully clothed.  Please wear loose fitting clothing (no shapewear or tight fitting leggings), and avoid wearing denim jeans with large seams as they can interfere with access points.

For your first session, the Initial Session with Assessment of up to 1 hour 15 minutes is required so that a full Spinal Flow Assessment can be completed along with the Spinal Flow Technique.

After the first session, you can either schedule a Private session or a Group Session.

A Private Session is a one on one with the Spinal Flow Practitioner for up to 1 hour.

A Group Session is where up to 3-4 people receive the Spinal Flow Technique at once. We have found the healing intention and intensity higher, with more people being treated simultaneously. Clients say they enjoy connecting with their bodies while the others in the room is receiving Spinal Flow simultaneously. Even though you are receiving Spinal Flow in the same room, your privacy is always paramount; there are separate times for conversations that need to occur between clients and their practitioners. The ease and flow during a healing session is effortless; it works!

Upon arriving at your Initial Spinal Flow & Assessment Session – your Spinal Flow Practitioner will review your initial intake form. The practitioner will:

  1. Assess your posture

  2. Identify blockages by observing you during some simple movements

  3. Feel specifically at each vertebra level to identify where there are any specific blockages, which impede nerve and energy flow, as well as identify if your body is holding any chemical, emotional, physical stress, or electromagnetic stress.

The Spinal Flow initial visit & Assessment can last up to one hour and fifteen minutes.

During your Spinal Flow Session, you will lay fully clothed on your stomach on the massage table with bolsters under your hips while your practitioner uses gentle and precise physical touch on specific points on the cranium (head) and sacrum (spine). These are called “access points” and give the practitioner a direct pathway to the nervous system or what we like to call the “master controller” of the body. This brings your brains awareness to and releases blockages in your spine. During a spinal flow session, clients feel relaxed and connected to their bodies. Some clients experience twitches, heat running through their body, a change in energy, emotional release like crying or laughter, sometimes feels like deep meditation or an indescribable relaxation.

Spinal Flow sessions are very gentle and safe and there are no contradiction to receiving this application.

Allow up to 1 hour 15 minutes for Initial Spinal Flow & Assessment. After the initial session, allow up to 30 minutes for Group Spinal Flow sessions, up to 1 hour for Private Spinal Flow session, and up to 15 minutes for Spinal Flow for ages 10 and under. Children often respond quickly, while adults with longstanding blockages heal more slowly.

We offer Group Healing sessions. We have found the healing intention and intensity higher, with more people being treated simultaneously. Clients say they enjoy connecting with their bodies while the other person in the room is being treated. The room will be quiet other than music playing.

Once you lay down, your practitioner will place the pelvic blocks under your hips and make contact with an access point. This will start a reflex action in your nervous system that will continue even after they move to the other receiver(s). In addition, the pelvic blocks will offer support to and help correct and holding patterns in your hips as your body works to find and release blockages in the spine. The room will be quiet other than music playing.

Even though you are being treated in the same room, your privacy is always paramount. Please know that your practitioner will never discuss anything private in a group session and will quietly relay to you any changes they feel in your spine after your session. The healing session is effortless; it works!

-Increased booking options and availability to meet your scheduling needs

-Increased value per session as you receive the same amount of Spinal Flow healing with less investment

-Increased intentional healing energy in the room – more energy = more flow

Healing is not always a linear line from start to finish, so be prepared to need extra rest as your body releases chemical, emotion, and physical stresses stored in your spine. Here are some other ways you can support your body between sessions:

-Nourish your body with healthy food

-Make sure your body is well hydrated

-Go for walks, going for walks between sessions can allow your body time to acclimate to holding new muscle patterns

-Journal – journaling is a great way to support your mind as you release old thoughts, memories, and feelings. Be away of the ideas or thoughts that popped up during your session as the body has brought it to the surface for your awareness

If you need to reschedule your appointment, please contact us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. We have a waiting list for those who were unable to secure an appointment. To reschedule your appointment, simply call us at 888-533-7902 or email us at scheduling@backtoallnatural.com and we will assist you in rescheduling your appointment.